
When you're a Zeta, your calendar is always full! Whether it's a formal or a themed mixer, there's nothing better than having fun and spending time with sisters. Here are a few of our favorite social events:

♛ Crown Ball Formal

♛ Supporting the Durham Bulls minor league baseball team

♛ NC State Fair Date Function

♛ Spring Semi-Formal

♛ Carolina Cup

♛ Woodstock on Wheels Rollerskating Date Function

♛ Wild West and Southern Crush Parties

♛ Themed Mixers, like Seal Team 6 & Army Chicks, The Roaring Twenties, and 90s Kids


Sisters enjoying the South Carolina sunshine at Carolina Cup 2014.

Zeta does indoor rollerskating Woodstock-style.

Our sophomores get patriotic for our Seal Team 6 mixer.

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